Senin, 21 Maret 2011


Ehm,, ehm
Well, maybe sometimes we have to, I mean I have to admit, that I need some help.. I need to talk to anybody 'bout the problem which is still active and ready to blow out like a tumor..
But whom to I can talk?
whom to I can ask for help?
this question just gaining the intensity of the stress... hufh....

I already tried to forget it, to walked on earth like there's nothing to think to.
Tried to be strong, rigid, stand vigorously.. that a small shit like that won't bounce out my happy way..
It might work out, some times, but in the other some times (i hate it), it didn't.
Still, the small shit which is like an active element, or cell, cancer cell, which is aggressive, aiming to show off, blow its colony to destroy their innocent host..
This tiny little cell but aggressive one, is really annoying, can't let me rest in a piece moment.
It show itself, unwanted, uninvited, which will scattered all my rigidity...

I have One who always help me, I often ask to, but the problem is, I can't read the help.
Is this problem is a help?
How can I ask for a help from a help?
It's confusing, and it's still in my mind..

I wish I could yell, S.O.S!
then the S.O.S team will come with their rescue-mind team on me..

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