Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

what the hell

just have seen my old blog, and.. i feel that i was so free to write anything..
there's no need a main topic, i can write randomly..
being tied up is such a dull

but, what freedom really mean?
everybody is really desire about freedom.
my country once a nation without freedom, and dreamed about freedom

is it freedom mean that you can do whatever you like without anything or anyone forbid it?
is it sound freedom means no rule at all?
no rule means chaos.
so freedom means chaos, is that so?

how scary freedom is if it so..

free to talk, free to act, free to write, free to anything.. anything is halal in the name of freedom.
but then, u will scare to talk when so many talking, scare to go out when everybody spread out and do whatever they like, scare to write anything if so many writing is aiming to let someone else down.

in my opinion, freedom must come along with the rule and self-consciousness.
considering that human is need each other, with other human, or other creature, with nature which covering the lives.

perhaps, the native society is the one who actually can feel real freedom.
lives happily, steadily, stability.
it's just my own opinion.