Ramadhan.. Ramadhan,,
Ramadhan is coming again
Can you feel the aura?
The aura of The Holy Month Ramadhan
Once in a year, which filled up with cheer
Lets greet this blessing month, with cheer and worship
It’s time for Muslim, racing in goodness and purify each heart
Ow, I love it, I love it
Do you love it?
Do you feel it?
Lets love it, lets feel it, lets do worship…
Ramadhan oh Ramadhan
always be the month each Muslim's waiting for
We do fasting, we do holding our human's dessire
That's a training to be a real human
to train our imaan
No matter what happen, we must keep fighting the evil
the evil outside and inside
They're everywhere, but we'll combating 'em
Not an easy way, but in the end we will be much stronger
Strong enough to say, "Go to hell you Evil! Alone!"
May Allah blessing us and protecting us.
1 Ramadhan 1430 H
21 August 2009